Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am thirtysomething and I can't believe it.  I am probably having a hard time dealing with it because who would have ever thought that in 2010, thirtysomething would be looked at as onehundredandsomething.  If you aren't getting asked why you are not married, then certainly you have heard why don't you have any children.  And if you have ever stumbled upon those brave enough to blurt the "Are you gay" question, well then you are doing great.  I am not sure why being a thirtysomething career minded, independent and strong black female should garner such questions.  Would people rather me be married, breast feeding my newborn while my two three year olds are either eating dirt or digging in their nose complaining that my husband is always working late? I am just not ready for that.  I think the decision to be married and have kids should not be the topic of discussion during every holiday gathering.

To me, being thirtysomething is the time where yes, my career does come first, yes, I would like to own a starter home that doesn't have a nursery, yes, I would like to be able to say that I have lived in more zip codes than the average postman delivers to in a day, yes, getting out of my car at the gas station without thinking twice about a little person in back seat, yes, being domestic, cooking daily, washing clothes weekly, mommy and me monthly, daddy and me quarterly and 1st, 2nd and 3rd birthday's yearly. YES, I am happy being thirtysomething and living my life.  YES, I am happy to get myself together before becoming one. YES, I would rather start a college fund for an unborn child than cry about daycare for a born child. YES, YES, YES.

I would like to redefine thirtysomething and hope that I have... I am normal, you, the ones who probably should have waited until thirtysomething are not! 

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