Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Married to the family....

As the saying goes, when you decide to get married, you not only marry the man, but you marry his mom, dad, sister, brother and all of the family drama and gossip one can stand.  My cousin and I have been talking recently about being married to the family and how people sometimes give family a permanent spot in the bed of marriage.

When you think about it, it's almost impossible not to huh?!?!? Rhetorical.  I mean who wouldn't want to climb the family tree that has either caused your spouse to either be a hard-working, stand-up man or an insensitive grudge-holding bastard. Either way, this is now your family.  So here is a story:

Once upon a time there lived a mean mother-in-law who was just angry at the world.  If you spoke to her, she cursed, if you looked at her, she cursed and don't you dare think about smiling at her because guess what she will do? Curse.  Why is she so angry you ask? Well it all began 28 years ago when she gave up her life to birth her son.  And boy was she living the life, you know the 1960's were the good ole days.  People called it the rolling 60's and that's what she did, rolled.  She rolled in designer clothes, designer cars and rolled her fancy self all the way to a full scholarship at her favorite university.  She was on cloud nine until she met this slick talking Georgia man.  I mean he was slick as ice.  He could talk a preacher out of preaching and a nun into sexing.  He was just that slick.  After several months of courting, she allowed this slick talking Georgia man to rest upon her bossom.  Not thinking that these actions would soon change her life.

Two hundred and seventy five days later, she gave birth to a child that she would soon be calling a little slick talking Georgia boy.  At first things were okay, she was able to put away enough savings that her lavish lifestyle didn't suffer, but all that was short lived.  Things got hard, she became depressed, alcohol became her friend.  Because that slick talking Georgia man didn't stay in her life, she allowed other men to come and go and do as they pleased.  A black eye here, swollen lip there, thump, there went her head against the wall.  Little slick talking Georgia boy didn't understand why his mom didn't do anything, why she allowed these men to take advantage of her.  But his juvenile mind just couldn't comprehend.  He also didn't understand how things went from just him and mom to him, mom, little sister, little sister, little brother, little brother.  Damn, six mouths to feed on minimum wage.

To be continued....

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