Wednesday, January 19, 2011

35X35 ...

35.  Meet Jennifer Lopez (Don't judge me)
34.  Blog monthly, if not weekly
33.  Learn to make a full Thanksgiving dinner
32.  Give up diet coke, hell, I am not on a diet :-)
31.  Buy a property in Los Angeles
30.  Get pilots license
29.  Stop cursing, swearing, using foul language (even when no other word seems to fit)
28.  Have one (1) child and one (1) in the oven
27.  Get back to high school weight after baby comes out of the oven
26.  Have a big yard sale
25.  Go deep sea fishing
24.  Write a song
23.  Visit 10 more states (NM, MI, WI, IA, UT, CO, WA, OR, SD, ND)
22.  Try a lace front wig (Don't judge me)
21.  Join the mile high club (Don't judge me)
20.  Learn to speak Chinese
19.  Do 1000 hours of community service for different charities
18.  Visit the Wendy Williams show
17.  Charter a yacht, well a boat, balling on a budget
16.  Not cut my hair
15.  Monthly dinner parties with friends
14.  Acquire enough sky miles to fly free overseas
13.  Donate to one of the commercials for starving children
12.  Launch my non-profit (Fully Covered)
11.  Talk more than text
10.  Take my husband horse back riding
9.    Buy out of nece.... necessi.... necessity, whew that was a hard one
8.    Tithe regularly
7.    Pray daily
6.    Take a cooking class, preferably a sushi making class
5.    Mend a friendship
4.    Say 'Happy New Year' in Times Square
3.    Right any wrongs
2.    Try not to go to bed angry
1.    Patent my invention idea

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