Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A thank you is in order...

Who would have ever thunk it??? Here I sit, inspired by the sometimes uninspired. I always wondered how I could write poetry but could not formulate those same thoughts to write a blog…

It’s just a matter of organizing the millions of thoughts running around in your head. So today, instead of doing work for a moment, I decided to read facebook posts. I swear, facebook is going to be the end of a good paying job for someone, smile. And speaking of facebook, I would like for the dictionary to finally recognize this ingenious idea, so that the little red lines disappear.


Back to what I was saying, so I was on facebook and I stumbled upon a person’s page whom I once adored, hated, liked, admired and then hated again…. As I read her blog updates, I thought to myself, wow, what a talented writer, interesting posts with a bit of humor, clever… With her rants and raves about inspiration, life lessons, bullshit, bullshit, I became inspired. Now who am I kidding, this is not going to be the start of the next best blog as I am stretched way too thin as it is. But it is nice to be able to vent in a public forum from time to time, so once again I say…


Now there is a quote about something being deserved, required, much, something of that sort, can’t think of the quote and personally don’t feel like googling it… OMG, is googling not a word either, WTF!!! LOL… Okay, but seriously… The quote in summary states that you must give credit when inspiration in any form is stumbled upon and so I ponder, should I thank her. Do I send an email thanking her for doing what I knew I could do anyway? Do I send a facebook message, ugh, the red lines, telling her that I am inspired by her writing and now I too want to post to my new blog every now and then? Well, I could just hope that she too stumbles upon my post and ends up reading my blog, where she will be welcomed by a post dedicated to her called….


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